
VFS ISO14001

Quality Accreditation

As the leading UK LCV converter, Quality is the fundamental element of our business, therefore we are proud to have been awarded the latest accreditation from BSI : ISO 14001 (2015) Environmental VFS were also re-audited and have extended approvals for ISO 9001 : 2008 Together with the...

Expanded VFS Sales Team

Our Regional Sales Managers provide a dedicated support service or our customers : UK Sales and Marketing Manager: Paul Price Central Region Sales Manager: James Hanlon Southern Region Sales Manager: Phil McGrath Our Sales Managers are supported by our Sales Administrators who deal with the "back office" administration tasks...

VFS North 1

VFS North Facility

The brand-new purpose built VFS “North” conversion facility based near South Kirkby, Wakefield is nearing completion, ideally situated to serve our Northern and Midlands based customers. The new 15000m² facility has been equipped with the latest technology and has excellent transport links to all major...